Day 10 : Programming for Kids: Fun Activities

Anuj Agarwal
2 min readFeb 23, 2023


  1. Tic Tac Toe Game: Build a simple tic tac toe game using Python. This game requires the use of loops, lists, and conditionals. The game board can be represented as a 3x3 list, and each player can be assigned a symbol (e.g., “X” or “O”). The game should prompt the players to take turns entering their moves, and check for a win condition after each turn. The first player to get three in a row wins!
  2. Hangman Game: Build a hangman game using Python. This game requires the use of loops, lists, and conditionals, and is a fun way to practice string manipulation. The game should prompt the player to enter a word or phrase, and then display blank spaces for each letter in the word or phrase. The player can then guess letters, and the program will reveal any correct guesses and add incorrect guesses to a “hangman” drawing.
  3. Turtle Graphics: Use the turtle graphics library in Python to create fun and colorful shapes and designs. This library allows you to control a “turtle” that can move around the screen, draw lines, and fill shapes. Kids can experiment with different commands to create their own unique designs.
  4. Mad Libs Game: Build a simple Mad Libs game using Python. This game requires the use of strings and user input. The program prompts the user for different types of words (e.g., noun, adjective, verb), and then fills in a pre-written story with the user’s choices. Kids can get creative and write their own Mad Libs stories!

These exercises are designed to be fun and engaging, and allow kids to apply the programming concepts they have learned so far in a creative way. As with the previous exercises, it’s important to encourage kids to experiment and try things on their own, and to provide guidance and support as needed.

Detailed code and explanation will be provided in other posts.

Happy Reading…Comments welcomed.

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Anuj Agarwal
Anuj Agarwal

Written by Anuj Agarwal

Director - Technology at Natwest. Product Manager and Technologist who loves to solve problems with innovative technological solutions.

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